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Rebellion is a knot of the heart, not of the mind. The key is to make deposits — constant deposits of unconditional love. I once had a friend who was dean of a very prestigious school. He planned and saved for years to provide his son the opportunity to attend that institution, but when the time came, the boy refused to go. This deeply concerned his father. Graduating from that particular school would have been a great asset to the boy. Besides, it was a family tradition. Three generations of attendance preceded the boy. The father pleaded and urged and talked. He also tried to listen to the boy to understand him, all the while hoping that the son would change his mind. The subtle message being communicated was one of conditional love. The son felt that in a sense the father’s desire for him to attend the school outweighed the value he placed on him as a person and as a son, which was terribly threatening. Consequently, he fought for and with his own identity and integrity, and he increased his resolve and his efforts to rationalize his decision not to go.

he Gujarat State Examination Board (GSEB) some time back uploads the TAT Teacher Aptitude Test application form 2018. After upload the application form 2018 they are inviting to all eligible candidates/applicants after issued the registration form 2018 huge no of applicants are applied the registration form 2018 TET and know they all are searching the exam date & Exam e-Call Letter find on official website.

Read Hall Ticket Press-Note